21 Jun Signs
Warning: This show contains strong language, strong imagery and strong women.
- Sign posted by ticket booth at Highways Performance Space June 12-13 about Imaginary Women On A Very Short Leash / Autobiography Of Lies
These seats for those willing to risk the 3 – D interactive tactile zone.
- Sign on four front row seats, house left
I’m here.
- Signs posted at booths, seats, beaches, bedrooms, alleyways and air molecules worldwide, written by Summer Solstice.
I am putting a wish into words today. There are signs everywhere pointing to this moment in time as an open bowl for receiving wishing-words. The kind that felt like klsDfiyn499284yr 759*&%&^+cn? for the past few months while swimming around in your heart. The kind that, with the extra bit of brightness in the solstice air, re-arrange themselves and spring from heart to head to words to voice to reality. Boom.
Big round heaps keep appearing all around me. Sign on heaps reads: Gratitude.
One week after premiering an excerpt of my first solo performance at Highways in Santa Monica, I am charged up and ready to risk more. Huge thank-yous to all who filled the house both nights, and gratitude for the heaps of generous passionate feedback. You are all part of this creative process, this surrender to risk, this momentum for the full-length performance to spring into reality. Soon.
My simple wish: for this abundant flow to continue swelling. I am ready to surf surprising waves in deeper waters. It is already happening. The signs are everywhere.
Happy Solstice
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